Monday, July 4, 2011

My Favorite Mojitos

Saturday was a great day. The weather was beautiful, we had no plans, and I had the whole day to think about what to make for dinner! Mark and I decided on pizza, not the most creative night, so I wanted to make a fun cocktail to go along with our meal. After searching through dozens of recipes and feeling frustrated because I didn’t have any of the 18 million different drink mixers or garnishes on hand, I headed to the market and figured I’d just grab some cranberry juice to mix with vodka and some berries. Browsing around the store, I came across Lemon Italian Sparkling Soda, which sounded like a delicious way to make mojitos. I picked up fresh mint and a bunch of limes and rushed home with excitement to create my masterpiece! The soda was amazing in the drink and Mark and I quickly polished off the bottle! Good thing I only bought one!

My Favorite Mojitos

12 mint leaves
1 shot rum (I used Captain Morgan Spiced Rum)
Juice of half of a lime
1/4 teaspoon sugar (optional)
1/2 cup crushed ice
1/2 cup Lemon Italian Sparkling Soda

  1. Place mint, rum, lime juice, sugar and ice in a glass and muddle.
  2. Top with soda and stir.
  3. Enjoy- the more you make, the better they get!

If you’re like me and don’t keep many cocktail mixers on hand, this is an awesome choice! The soda is sweet enough so that you really don’t have to use sugar. This is an easy solution to a cocktail craving- simple, refreshing and inexpensive!

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